The international climate summit in Copenhagen goes from December 7 through the 18th. Instead of going this week, President Obama will be present on December 18th, the final day of the conference. According to some MIT professor this is good because "The closer to the end of it that he attends, the more he's connected to whatever the outcome is." It's a political move. By being present at the time of the agreement it will somehow make it look like Obama had a role in this crucial outcome. Kind of like someone showing up at the Second Continental Congress in time to sign the Declaration of Independence and taking credit for the document. But hey, at least we seem to be making headway. India and China are going to slow down the amount of increasing emissions they are emitting into the atmosphere. That's right, they are going to continue increasing emissions, just at a lower rate. Wow. Go team! But hey, the US is actually going to lower emissions 17% so we get a few brownie points. That's only if we ignore the fact that scientists say we need to lower emissions by 25% to 50% "prevent the Earth from warming 2 degrees Centigrade (3.6F), the maximum to reduce the worst risks." Aren't we supposed to aim high rather than low?
Gordon Brown
Headway, yay!
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