Friday, March 26, 2010

Smart Move?

President Obama is proposing an education overhaul that would rid our country of No Child Left Behind. Instead of basing standards around grade-level proficiency, they would focus on preparing students for college or a career. He is also proposing a $4 billion increase in spending toward US education which hasn't happened in 45 years.

Ignorance is not Bliss

President Barack Obama isn't afriad of the big bad GOP no siree! They continue to threaten a repeal of the health care bill, but the President believes this would have negative repercussions for the party in the next election. I don't know about that, people are throwing rocks through windows at Democratic headquarters around the country. But I do not think it will get anywhere.

Shh, We Don't Want to Know

The military is looking into repealing the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy. That sentence all on it's own sounds pretty progressive and unbelievable. Let me rephrase it. President Obama is asking the military to repeal the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy. This has brought up the issue of whether the homosexual partners would receive the same benefits as heterosexual couples. Only married couples with proof of a marriage certificate get these benefits and only five states allow gay marriage which makes it far more likely the gay couples will not have a certificate. Does this mean they cannot get the same benefits? Would the benefits have to then be opened for all couples? Too many questions, let's just ignore the issue. Sounds like a better idea right? I agree with some legal person MSNBC interviewed who said that we shouldn't worry about these little details until after repealing the policy.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Misleading Numbers

The job loss in manufacturing is misleading. The US is actually still producing a lot manufactured goods. The production of these goods just don't require as many laborers as they once did. It's mostly machine run now. We produce products with higher market values than the t-shirts and whatnot manufactured overseas.

Earning Their Pay

I'm not sure if the article was referring to yesterday or this coming Monday. Assuming it means this coming Monday, it looks like our fine Senators are going to be pulling an all-nighter. Don't get too excited, they'll be spending it working. It seems Republicans are against the Jobs bill for unstated reasons (in this article at least). The overnighter will "burn the 30 hours of post-cloture debate allowed by Senate rules." I should know what that means since I am in AP government, but I really don't.

Yawn, This Still?

I'm going to talk about health care. Again. Yeah, it's getting a bit tedious. Instead of the up or down vote Obama was calling for, Pelosi is attempting to make some political move. It's called "self-executing rule" which frankly, I don't really understand. Something to do with voting and still be able to make changes? Ok so there is a follow-up vote in both chambers of Congress over some packet of changes. I'm not sure why Republicans are so upset about this move. This might be due to the fact I lack understanding of the process.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Again? Seriously?

Weird, but I swear I read an article almost identical to this one last year. Abortion is yet again holding the health care reform bill back. Some think it too strict, invading on a women's right to privacy or something. Others are horrified that any form of government money may trinkle into abortion clinics. Frankly this seems like an ant on a tree and yet we are letting it tear down the whole forest. That doesn't make much sense. Anyway, it's ridiculous that our Congressmen let themselves get caught up in these things. Gah!

So there's yet another proposal being passed around Congress and this one would give employers a tax break if they hired the unemployed. It's a nice idea, but how are these companies supposed to get the money to pay new salaries to these workers? I guess it's to get larger companies who can afford new workers but simply are choosing not to because it isn't totally necessary and times are hard for them too. I honestly don't know. But I'm only 17 so that doesn't mean much.

Right to a Fair and Speedy Trial

Congressional lawmakers are proposing legislation that would halt any trial of terrorists from taking place in an American community. My question is what do they intend to do instead? Too long have we let these terrorist rot in their cells without due trial. I understand that they aren't citizens and they have done heinous things, but that does not give the United States government the right to ignore the basic principals our nation was founded on. We need to show the world we still have a justice system in which, as Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird said, "all men are created equal." If these men are truly guilty then they can stand at trial and get the sentence they deserve.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Go Green!

Going green is expensive. My family would know since we installed solar panels a few years back. It simply isn't feasible for everyone. That's why President Obama's proposal for giving rebates to people who make their homes more energy efficient. Not only will this aid the United States in lowering energy consumption, it will create more jobs. I believe that will be the selling point for most people.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Left Behind

In my international forum class we have been discussing education systems around the world. One statistic showed that out of 30 top industrial nations, the United States was ranked in the mid-twenties for it's educational system. Unfortunately I feel that it is a cultural issue. Other nations often have been more successful because their populations are much MUCH smaller than this country's. However, China is enormous and yet still manages to educate its populace with great success. This is why President Obama is making a proposal to lower school dropout rates. Struggling schools will have to either readjust their staff, get a new coordinator, work on the organizational side of the school, or simply close. He proposes states receive $900 million to make these drastic changes.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Wall Street Rules

Funny how we don't feel the need to do things until something goes horribly horribly wrong. Senate is piecing together legislation setting rules for Wall Street. To be honest, I don't understand the details. I do, however, understand that the legislation would create a council which would determine which institutions we need to keep a closer eye on. The criteria would be the size of the financial institute and the threat it could pose for the economy. I understand the concept of a free market, but sometimes that simply doesn't work.

I Think Not!

It is so confusing that during hard economic times the government would choose to spend more money. Yet it seems to be the status quo. Not this time. President Obama's proposal to give a Social Security bonus was shot down by Senate. Old people don't spend their money. Not sure why since their old and really, what can they be saving for? A nice funeral? Hm, kidding kidding, maybe their nice and want to give it to their grandchildren. Either way, the money does no one especially not the economy, any good sitting around gathering dust so to speak.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Like Beating a Dead Horse

The health care bill has been on the table for debate way too long. While it is the right of the minority party to hold a filibuster, I believe that after this amount of time it is necessary to suspend that right. President Obama is advocating an "up or down vote" to set this bill to rest. Even some of the Democrats are doubtful about that idea. They believe that this will take much longer than the president is hoping. Frankly, they need to stop dilly dallying and take the vote already! At this rate you're probably screwed either way in the upcoming election in November so Congress might as well as get something done!!!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

GOP Meeting

Kudos to President Obama for meeting with the House GOP. It is necessary for the symbol of our country who called for bipartisanship to really put his time into making it happen. I believe it is especially important now when our country is so rigidly divided over party lines. Of course there was a lot of pointing fingers. And Obama thought it right to take a lot of the blame. I think it's interesting how much we expect out of one man. He definitely has a good share of control, but if he didn't do something he said he would I believe it is also up to Congress to try to get him back on track. For example, he said the health care debate would be fully covered by C-SPAN. The Republicans were upset it wasn't. Ok great, why didn't you say something earlier? Why wait until now to complain? Because really, it gets us nowhere.

9/11 Trial

This goes to show how much I watch the news. I had no idea the United States was preparing to have a 9/11 terrorist trial. Actually now that I think about it that seems sort of familiar. Anyways, people are making a big uproar about it I guess because the trial may take place near Ground Zero. It seems we are worried about the mental effect this will have on the citizens of New York City. Personally I think they would be able to go about their days as normal, but then again I wasn't there during the attack nor do I live there now. I do understand the concern about money though. It is estimated to cost more than $200 million per year! That is simply ridiculous. Of course I want to see these men brought to justice, but they are not worth that much. If elsewhere would be cheaper than by all means, go elsewhere!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Obama's plan for a task force working to curb the deficit was shot down. Because obviously the only places we can cut spending are Medicare and Social Security! And the fact that if we don't make changes over the next few years our deficit is projected to be $1 trillion a year doesn't matter. "Yet another indication that Congress is more concerned with the next election than the next generation," said Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., a sponsor of the plan. I already said this and am going to say it again, politics have become too much about reelection and not enough about taking action. There is a chance Obama will still create a task force under executive order, but it would not have as much power.

This Sounds Familiar....

Ever since the conclusion of the Massachusetts election, I have heard very little about the health care bill. As I mentioned in another post, Democrats hoped to hurry the bill through before they lost their majority. That didn't work out. Now they are attempting to find different ways around opposition. Some sort of budget reconciliation that would only require 51 votes. It is unfortunate we have to go to these measures in order to get anything done in this area. Months have been spent on this bill and it looks like we're basically back where we started. Republicans continue to oppose it and even Democrat favor is wavering. Two specifically, a Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana and Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas. Both are facing election this year. My question is just how much does the public understand about the bill? Shouldn't we be worried that we're basically back in square one after so many months? Because I am.

Monday, January 25, 2010

So it took the Democrats losing a few elections around the country for the Obama administration to finally decide they need to really take action? Better now than never I suppose. Too bad everyone thinks that Obama's proposal to freeze "non-security" spending will probably run up against quite a bit of opposition. I mean, it's an election year for some politicians, hello! (that is what you call sarcasm) I understand that politics have become a career and being reelected is one of the highest priorities on any politician's agenda, and frankly, I think this has greatly decreased the effectiveness of our government because politician's have become too hesitant. They are afraid to take action even measures we know must be taken! If this proposal actually gets through only a tiny portion of our spending will be cut, but we have to start somewhere right?

Child Care Tax Plan

It suddenly occurred to me that I do not understand economics. At all. So maybe that's why I'm confused to hear Obama is proposing to increase tax credits. Now I am not against helping people who are struggling economically. But decreasing the amount of money going to the federal government when we have a skyrocketing deficit simply makes no sense to me. Granted it is to help families with children and people preparing or already in retirement. That's nice. At least the government is trying to relieve the right people, the ones really struggling in these times.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I'm confused

I don't understand politicians. Why on earth would anyone be against creating a task force to help curb our deficit?! According to the article, Republicans assume the task force would simply mean more taxes and the Democrats fear cuts for Medicare and Social Security. Either these people have extremely one-track minds because this is what they are always fearing or I don't understand this task force is supposed to do. But it seems to me that there are so many other places we could cut spending from, it's not like the task force is going to immediately jump to the two programs other people do not want to cut from the budget.

Haiti Crisis

How a person or a country responds to a crisis says a lot about that person and country. That is why I was absolutely horrified to hear that some Evangelist told his listeners that Haiti was being punished for making a pact with the devil over two hundred years ago. While this is a story that has been circulated about Haiti, this is no time to bring it up! Hello, it's a legend. And frankly I think it says more about colonization than anything else. These people who supposedly made a pact with the devil would choose the devil and the wrath of God over slavery beneath the French. But that aside, it is simply a legend and this Pat Robertson should not have broadcasted such an opinion. As the host of a tv show, this man has a voice, a loud voice. Is this really how we want our nation represented? I think not.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Obama had an almost impossible task ahead of him when he entered office just about a year ago. But people were hopeful. 365 days later and we're already losing faith. In a time when everything is practically instant I think we've lost perspective on some things. Economies don't turn around in a year. A health care system that has been needing a revamp for decades can't be fixed in a matter of months. But most importantly, we forget that the President is one person. He is one person in a government made up of hundreds of others. It seems unfair that we should put so much on a single human being. Because that's what Obama is, a human being. I'm sorry to burst anyone's bubble who thought he was some super man with special powers. The amount of time it took us to go down these slopes is nothing compared to how long it could take for us to get back up. Imagine, if you please, someone skiing. It takes a matter of minutes to get down the slope right? Well this resort has no ski lift, we have to hike our way back up. So people should just be more patient, Obama is hiking up one steep mountain.

Looks like Democrats' run is already losing steam. The Senate race in Massachusetts, a largely Democratic state, is close. This fact is quite frightening for the Democrats in office. With an additional Republican in office, the Democrats would lose their hold on the 60 votes needed to pass the health care bill. Obama himself has taken time in his busy schedule to campaign for the Democratic candidate. Unfortunately his support in earlier elections like Virginia did not do much good so Democrats have every right to be worried. Some say that this imbalanace is a sign of the public's disapproval of the health care bill. Obama's approval ratings have seen a drop since last year being at just below 50%. Well, if this is a sign of discontent from the public I have to say I do not approve of Senate Democrats attempting to push the bill through as quickly as possible so they need not worry about that missing vote. And with all the changes that have been made to the bill, it does not sound like we would be making much headway anyways.

That aside, I was infuriated when I read that "A lot of people don't want Barack Obama to succeed...They don't want him to be a president that leads this country. They want him to be a president who fails," As if Obama can fail individually. Hello, if he "fails" it isn't an individual failure, it will have negative repercussions for the WHOLE NATION! So basically these people are saying they want our country to continue to flounder in a bad economy, screwed up health care system, and two wars abroad. Wow, god bless ignorant people.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Two major issues Obama has been faced with already in his presidency: global climate change and the economy, more specifically job loss. Now he is proposing something that is supposed to kill two birds with one stone. There were words like tax credit, green jobs, and money. Basically the details went way over my head or were simply excluded from the article. I am extremely disappointed with the world at this point for what little attempt we are all trying to make to save our planet. So I suppose kudos to the president for trying something even though I can't quite comprehend what it is. I am sure the unemployed will be thanking him too. Well, as long as they know something about solar power and other green technologies.

More info


I wasn't aware Obama kept any of Bush's cabinet members so it was news to me in hearing Gates, Bush's Secretary of Defense, agreed to remain in office another year. I believe since he was placed in that cabinet position only in 2006, he picked up less of the public's negative association with Bush. Being the middle of two wars at the present it makes perfect sense that he should keep his position. I thought it strange he is quoted to say his job as a "very painful thing" but if I really think about it, that's also understandable since he is basically in control of hundreds of human lives. The possibility that he may not stay on beyond this year made me wonder what sort of measures Obama is taking in that aspect. Is he lining up other potential candidates? Guess that isn't majorly important right now.