Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Afghanistan Troop Request

There must be some sort of format to blogging, but since I don't recall ever being informed about the format, I'm going to just ramble! The focus now days has turned from our troops in Iraq to Afghanistan. Now President Obama faces a tough decision, to send more troops or to not send more troops? It is a difficult question. Cheney is yelling go go go like the whole structure of Afghanistan, the United States, and possibly the world might shatter if we don't decide this instant. And decide to send more troops. However, Colin Powell, the former secretary of state tells President Obama to take his time. There are many factors that must be weighed out first. The recent election in Afghanistan was rough and the country has problems with corruption. Isn't it time we let Afghanis pull together and "do something about this" themselves? Not to say we should remove our troops. Now it is merely a question of whether it would be beneficial to increase the number of troops the United States sends to Afghanistan.

Others agree
International Community opinion?

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